Next best action platform for physicians

Expand your product’s reach with a direct-to-consumer approach to educating physicians.


HCPs are online. Use a performance media approach to help those individuals find what they are searching for.

Attract best suited audiences

Launch performance media to allow you to find best suited physicians.

Multi ad platform connections

Connect media channels to streamline outreach and insights.

Iterative landing pages

Multi-landing pages tailored to specific audiences and languages.

Agency Partners

Choose your preferred marketing agency or one of our vetted partners.


Use dynamic surveys to identify HCP learning preferences and guide those to their next best action.

Templated surveys

Design a survey most suitable for your needs with the freedom to make future adjustments.

Personalise future learning

Identify audiences by their preferred topics to personalise their education modules.

Embed HCP authorisation

Verify an individual is a physician through the survey before accessing particular content.

Support individuals

Screener is designed to better understand the individual and help them take their next best action.

RoseRx Screener continuously optimises to find best-suited individuals.

> Connect the right audience to the next best action

> Ensures opted-in individuals receive personalised education as they progress through their health journey

> Interaction insights attributed to future awareness content

RoseRx complies to regional and global privacy and security standards across platform


Choose from a fully automated messaging approach or offer 1:1 white glove assistance to better inform HCPs.

Omni-channel CRM

Omni-channel education (email, SMS, web chatbot) to reach individuals when and where they are.

Accessible content

Easy to consume education for physicians to learn what they need faster (bite sized concepts, videos, accessible references).

1:1 MSL or rep messaging

Offer one-on-one tailored assistance (MSL or Rep) to individuals to keep well informed, faster.

Personalised content

Content personalised to audiences (e.g. demographic, physician specialty, knowledge level).

Next Best Action

Guide individuals to their next best action. Offer various services from patient discussion guides to asking a sales representative a question.

15+ next best action types

Next best actions may include - Resources to get started, connect to a sales rep or MSL, prepare to assist educated patients.

Personalised assistance

Next best action variants are generated based on interactions with the surveys and educational completed content.

Informed patients prep

Better assist physicians prior to a consultation with patients who may already be educated in a condition.

Sales force connectors

RoseRx connects your sales force to appropriate physicians to ensure a streamlined, efficient sales process.

Automated, sequential education to motivate patients to their next best action.

> Choose health journey content sequences that best suit your physician cohorts needs.

> The platform continuously learns which content is optimal and helps you effectively educate your audiences.

RoseRx complies to regional and global privacy and security standards across platform

Insights dashboard

Surface real time results, accelerate your market understanding.

Identify high-value audiences

When an individual  starts a healthcare journey, it's a clear sign they seek care and more information.

Trace their omni-channel journeys to understand which interactions lead to next best actions.

Know exactly what engagement initiatives are working, or not working

RoseRx helps unlock unprecedented depth and granularity of data to increase visibility across the physician journey.

Informed patients and informed physicians is the winning formula